FCA 21 Days W/ God

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These words can change your life.
You are about to read in the book of John a true, eyewitness
account of when Jesus of Nazareth burst into history. This
story has changed the lives of millions through the ages. It
continues to spark a revolution in the hearts of people around
the world.

The words of the Bible have the power to change individuals,
cultures and countries. In 2 Chronicles 34, a young King
named Josiah had an encounter with the Scriptures that ignited
a spiritual revolution that changed not only him, but
his entire country. Read about it and remember…the Word
of God is just as powerful today. Fields of Faith is about challenging
you to read the Word of God and to follow Jesus with
all your heart. When you read it each day with a humble heart,
the potential to change our culture through you is just as real
as it was for Josiah. Read it. Trust it. Do it.

This online version of the 21.5 Days with God comes from our partnership with the YouVersion Bible. Includes a chapter of 2 Chronicles and the entire book of John. Get Started.

21 Days With God Reading Plan (PRINT) https://s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.fcaresources.com/fof/FCA_CSB_21_Days_3rds_FCA+Edits.pdf

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